Saturday, April 30, 2011


So I named this little dude Gary! haha. I made him for my graduation ceremony. I was asked to write a paragraph on me and my career and where I see myself in 20 years. After that I was to make something out of playdough that reflected all of it. This is my little kid laughing with his big "buckies" sticking out! I couldn't have done this without my sister Dani's help! She is so crative like the rest of my sisters. I am a little more dry in this area. She knew exactly what to do and we went to work. We made him out of fimo and baked him. Not so fast thougth. We had stirofome (sp) underneath and we learned that you can bake it at the PREHEAT OF 275! :) haha. That is before it starts to melt and nearly blow! We had so much fun and laughed the whole way through it. We were so pleased with our result! So this is Gary! (Gaaaawwwrryy- sisters/mom inside joke!) :)